Saturday 27 July 2019

Grays of life !

Title: Gray's Of Life by Puja Ankitha Ivaturi
Pages : approx 145 pages
Genre: Fiction (Micro-fiction)
Content : Microtale , Quotes , Snippet , Musings ,Poetry and Short tales.
My Rating : 2.5/5
Collection of almost 200 different forms of writing , jumbled up into a single book .It consists of deep words which relates to every step of life which has balance aspects neither too dull nor too bright.I liked the way author used simplicity in her language , Listing each writing form differently instead  of jumbling up could have enhance the book but can be ignored as a debut book of the author. Book is short and one sit read , can be finished in less than an hour.

Best read in the book according to me ✓‌Will the pain die
✓‌The palace of lonliness
✓‌An untold story
✓‌Physically , no mentally ✓‌Sounds better?
✓‌To heal you
✓‌Choice of words
✓‌An introvert's tale

Being very honest , yes some of the two liners I found as  rephrase content which genuinely disappointed me. Contents were so common , could be found on Google and other search engine very easily. If considering every content as unknown author , this book is worth reading , can recommend to people who like to read while they travel.

Reviewed by - Neharika

Sunday 21 July 2019

Name : Never Fade Away
Author : Chetan Batra
Genre : Romance (Social Issues / Heartbreak)
Pages : 122
Rating : 4/5
Book cover : Silhoutte of a boy and a girl holding hands at a beach with beautiful colours of cloud giving a romantic feel.
Blurb : “What happened Yohan?” she asked I blurted out, “Can I kiss you?” …… A great relationship begins when two people who love each other and understand the bond they share for who they are created and what makes them unique from others. Yohan falls in love with Aditi, doesn’t want to slow things down so he confesses his love to Aditi, and she accepts it. After that their relationship goes through a lot of ups and downs, anyhow they always find different ways to love and support each other. The day comes when an unforeseen incident changes their life forever… Aditi is critical, and Yohan is in peril on its own, helpless. What happened that brought them here in this position? Will they both arise from the incident? Will there lives come back to normal just like before? It is a heart-warming tale of love, hate, rejuvenation and above all, justice to be served at any cost.

Review : The eye soothing cover and catchy book title attracts the reader to look forward to read it , the title 'Never Fade Away' perfectly goes with the story author wants to potray .
The name of the characters in the story are:
Yohan , Aditi with major role and Vineet , Richa. All four of them in this story are friend to each other and have centralised role , all are caught up together in to many incidents. Story starts up with abduction and murder where these four become part of the interrogation.I liked the way story is being plot between Yohan and Aditi , balanced and beautiful , Cute romance with maturity are indeed fun to read .Book is interesting the way it is , no excessive drama required to make it verse well. While reading the book I could actually go through all the characters and enjoy each of them as the author has penned every character by their point of view. I liked the way a romance genre book gave a point of social issues that takes place with women in our country (Rape , Murder , Child Assualt , women trafficking).
The language used is simple and lucid. Simple grammar is being used, No complexity found in narration , some of the incidents were definitely inspired by true story which had shook our country.
Over all a excellent read , would highly recommend teenagers and people who read love and romantic genre .

Reviewed by - Neharika