Wednesday 7 August 2019

Title : Where will man take us ?

Author : Atul Jalan
Publishers : penguin publication

Pages : 318
Format : Paper Back

One sentence for this book : " A techno-freak book"
This book 'WHERE WILL MAN TAKE US?' by Atul Jalan has so much to gain knowledge about future technologies from . The author has discribed  humanoids , nanotechnologies , Artificial intelligence , robotics in very informative and useful manner. Author also talks about the 'Individual privacy' which is no more in the hand of humans . He has made clear points by mentioning various people and describing it in best way it could have been possible like educationalist , Scientists , historians etc. Author also explains the effects of the technology on our day to day human dynamics.
The author has made good efforts to craft this techno freak' book , which absolutely needs a lot of knowledge and research. Though it's a non - fiction book and provides a lot of knowledge , the language was really simple and quite complex with some techno words which needed Google for sure , the flow and the grammar in the book is lucid . Talking about the cover , the bright yellow colour with drones and flies attracts the reader , the title of the book completely gives Justice to the plot.
The book had some blank pages in the middle and last which were of no use. I was bored while reading at a point because it was too much on technologies and advancement that I am not fond of but if you are some one who loves to get knowledge about the future advancements in technology this book is highly recommended to you.The fluency in language is the beautiful thing in this book.

Rating : 4/5
Reviewed by - @themotivationalkick by Neharika
Recommended by - #MySecretbookshelf

Tuesday 6 August 2019

Knots - Deblina

Book Review: "Knots " by Deblina Bhattacharya..(@author_deblina )
Genre : poetry
Edition : Paperback
Pages :166
Knot  " These knots that do bind make thee one of a kind ", is a collection of beautiful poetry and prose which is differentiated in 7 sections that connects to human emotions!

What I liked :
The way author triggered towards women empowerment and freedom.

The writing style of the author : Simple and apt with multiple emotions , no complexity in words.

The section name 'Love' which not only had a soul mates love but also the parents' love we all crave for , sibling love which we all want . 

Love section just made me walk through the memory line and was super mesmerizing.
The language used was lucid the grammar was simple , book was written with full emotions and yes I could connect at some places.

Some of the poems I liked in this book :
Superman , Under the night sky ,  she is the one ,  what is love ? , Dream , ghost , rare ,show me the way , uncaged ,
All of these just gave me chills and I am sure you'll feel the same

What I did not like:
Alignment and Formatting of the book could have been better.
Though cover was really good but it could have been better .

As a debut , the author has done mind blowing task. Looking up to read more of her work in future !.
Also I would definitely recommend this book to everyone ! For me one of the "good" read book!..
There is always a way for improvement , and yes I believe the author will definitely improve in a better way , 4/5 star from my side.